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Selected Publications

Ecological Engineering, 2024

Moss Transplantation as a Novel Post-Wildfire Restoration Technique

Gage, H.J.M., Moore, P.A., MacKinnon, B., Granath, G., Wilkinson, S.L., and Waddington, J.M., 2024. Assessing a Sphagnum Moss Transplant Method to Enhance Recovery in Post-Wildfire Hydrophobic Peat. Ecological Engineering.

Wetlands, 2024

Wildfire Recovery in Peatland Margins and Middles

Mayner, K.M., Moore, P.A., Gage, H.J.M., Wilkinson, S.L., and Waddington, J.M., 2024. Differential Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery of Boreal Plains Bogs: Implications for Wildfire Vulnerability. Wetlands.

Journal of Glaciology, 2024

Integrating Remote Sensing and Paleoclimate Data

Gage, H.J.M. and Eyles, C.H., 2024. Greater than the sum of its parts: Multispectral remote sensing and sediment core data provide a holistic perspective on glacial processes. Journal of Glaciology.

Frontiers in Earth Science, 2024

Thermal Weathering in a Temperate Climate

Gage, H.J.M., Nielsen, J.P., and Eyles, C.H., 2024. Temporal variability and site specificity of thermal weathering in a temperate climate. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12.

Wetlands, 2023

Wetland Successional State and Fire Severity

Markle, C.E., Gage, H.J.M., Tekatch, A.M., Wilkinson, S.L. and Waddington, J.M., 2022. Wetland Successional State Affects Fire Severity in a Boreal Shield Landscape. Wetlands, 42(7), p.87.

Geological Magazine, 2022

Winter Weathering of Sedimentary Rock

Gage, H.J.M., Eyles, C.H. and Peace, A.L., 2022. Winter weathering of fractured sedimentary rocks in a temperate climate: observation of freeze-thaw and thermal processes on the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton, Ontario. Geological Magazine, p1-22.​


  1. Gage, H.J.M. and Eyles, C.H.: Modern Imagery Platforms in Support of Integrated Glacier Research, GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting, 26 May 2023.

  2. Nielsen, J.P., Gage, H.J.M., and Eyles, C.H.: Influence of fracture aperture on thermal weathering processes in a fractured sedimentary rockwall, GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting, 27 May 2023.

  3. Gage, H.J.M., Markle, C.E., Tekatch, A.M., Wilkinson, S.L, and Waddington, J.M.: Beaver as ecosystem engineers: A remote sensing approach to examine fire severity in beaver-impacted wetlands, GIS in Education and Research Conference, 1 March 2023.

  4. Cheng, D., Ullah, H., Gage, H.J.M. and Sud, A., The exclusion of people with comorbid depression from chronic pain clinical trials: a secondary data analysis, 50th NAPCRG Annual Meeting, 14 Oct 2022

  5. Gage, H.J.M., Narro Perez, R.A., Eyles, C., Dávila Roller, L.R.: Proglacial Lake Sediment Records of Contemporary Climate Change in Lake Shallap, Cordillera Blanca, Peru, GSA Connects, 9-12 Oct 2022.

  6. Gage, H.J.M., Nielsen, J.P., Eyles, C.: Seasonality of Rockwall Thermal Regimes in a Temperate Climate, GSA Connects, 9-12 Oct 2022.

  7. Nielsen J.P., Gage, H.J.M., Eyles, C.H., Fracture Aperture Moderates Thermal Weathering Processes in Fractured Sedimentary Rockwalls, GSA Connects, 9-12 Oct 2022.

  8. Gage, H.J.M., Eyles, C.: Climatic Influences on Thermal Weathering of Fractured Rock, PRF2022—Progressive Failure of Brittle Rocks, 20-24 Jun 2022.

  9. Gage, H.J.M., Eyles, C., Lee, R., and Peace, A.: Contemporary Climatic Factors Affecting Thermal Weathering of Fractured Dolostones of the Niagara Escarpment, AGU Fall Meeting, 17 Dec 2021.

  10. Gage, H.J.M., Eyles, C., and Lee, R.: Thermal controls on the development of fractures in dolostones of the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, European Geological Union General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9140.

  11. Gage, H.J.M., Eyles, C., Lee, R., and Peace, A.: Observations and Projections of Thermal Factors Affecting Weathering of Fractured Sedimentary Rocks of the Niagara Escarpment, GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting 2021, 1-5 Nov 2021.

Contact Information

Henry Gage

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Princeton University

Guyot Hall
Princeton, NJ, 08544

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©2024 Henry Gage. 

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